[extropy-chat] Bush & death

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 11 06:41:42 UTC 2004

Spike, your point concerning Ted Kennedy being elected
senator even after he was involved in manslaughter is
relevant and was anticipated; yet you know Ted is a
Kennedy and in Mass. Kennedys get a pass, though there
is no good reason he should be excused. However there
are many books about Hillary and Ted, but Laura Bush
breaks a young guys neck in a car accident and there
wasn't even an investigation of any sort? If you or I
did such a thing we'd be in serious trouble, even if
we were teenagers. Of course its all extremely minor
to voting in this election, but when I vote I look at
what a candidate represents: it seems Bush and his
family represent death. Death in Iraq, death on a
Texas road, and at the debate with Gore four years
ago, Bush's eyes lit up when he spoke of executions,
"we're going to fry those guys!", he proclaimed. Most
of all, Bush speaks of innocent microscopic life
needing protection. So what is the hidden moral? That
the world is overpopulating, so microscopic life is
more valuable than large, space occupying humans?
 > Ja.  I doubt Laura Bush could be elected to the
> senate.
> Of course she isn't actually running for any public
> office
> and is not trying to "fix" our medical system.
> > To this day 'Ted Kennedy' implies
> "Chappaquiddick"...
> This one has puzzled me for some time.  I googled
> the
> story about the Chappaquiddick incident, and read
> what
> some of those involved said about it.  Clearly the 
> young Kennedy was driving drunk at the time of the 
> accident, but didn't alert the authorities until
> several
> hours later, giving him time to sober up and his
> passenger
> time to drown in the overturned car.  Today that
> would
> carry a charge of vehicular manslaughter.  With that
> on 
> his record, how did he ever manage to win an
> election?
> spike

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