[extropy-chat] Moore, Morford, Doonesbury & Dawkings

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Mon Oct 11 15:04:31 UTC 2004

>Sorry, yes, here it is:

Oh my, thank you, Olga! I read the first Morford article, that you posted
a couple of weeks ago.

Wonderful stuff. Now, check this by Morford ...

"Does God Hate Florida?
After four brutal hurricanes, why aren't Bush evangelicals talking
about the Almighty's wrath?"


It reminds of something I saw last week.

Please do the following exercise.

In the state of Florida, color the counties of the 2000 presidential
election, of the counties that voted for Gore, and those which voted for Bush.
Then, when done, plot the path of the three hurricanes; Ivan, Charley,
and Frances...

It's not perfect, but notice that the hurricanes tended to ram
through the Bush counties, and for the most part avoided the
Gore counties.

Now where did I see this presentation? At the Cassini 'Saturn
Workshop' in Capri, Italy, last week, from one of the Titan talks.
And some people think that scientists do not have a (ok strange)
sense of humor....



Amara Graps, PhD
Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (IFSI)
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF),
Adjunct Assistant Professor Astronomy, AUR,
Roma, ITALIA     Amara.Graps at ifsi.rm.cnr.it

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