[extropy-chat] John C. Wright finds god

Nicholas Anthony MacDonald namacdon at ole.augie.edu
Fri Oct 15 02:24:45 UTC 2004

"I was dismayed earlier this year to find that Robert Wright (no relation 
to John C Wright) also appears to be going down the path in search of 
"Ultimate Meaning".  The selective observation effect, in his case, had 
Wright believing that Daniel Dennett was also succumbing to the power of 
the pods, but Dennett strongly denies Wright's interpretation."

Except Robert Wright's search for "ultimate meaning" is of a very different character than John Wright.  Robert Wright is engaged in a philosophical "search", while John just happened to have a near death experience and decide that Jesus was to blame.  I haven't heard about Robert singing with the choir yet, so I'll take that as  a good sign...

And Wright really did back Dennett into the corner there (which is suprisingly easy to do)...


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