[extropy-chat] Hedonism? Why or why not? Was (John C. Wright finds god)

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Fri Oct 15 04:09:31 UTC 2004

--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> And more generally, anybody, if extropy is a
> transhumanist 
> philosophy how would if differentiate as a
> philosophy from
> hedonism?  Where are the extropian principles
> incompatible?

In a nutshell - doesn't hedonism live for the
pleasures of the moment, with little regard for the
future?  Transhumanism encourages one to take action
to maek sure there is a pleasant future, starting with
making sure there is a future.  (And preferably not a
finite one.)

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