[extropy-chat] now here is craftiness...

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 18 17:20:44 UTC 2004

Maybe there will be no harm if Jeb should be elected in 2008, serve as president until 2017, and then perhaps Neil serves until 2025, and then the Bush twins Jenna and Barbara serve until...  the Bushes are certainly not stupid, no family could be so successful and lack cleverness.

>I shall take it then, that the Kennedy family similarly infuriates >or infuriated you. I can't say that I care much about actual or >perceived 
>nepotism in a democracy, and given the electoral durability of, >again, the 
>Kennedy name, the public doesn't care much either, and that's >what matters, 
>for better or worse. So they may push your "tacit tolerance" >but they have a long way to go to really bother Mr. and Ms. >American voter with it.


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