[extropy-chat] now here is craftiness...

Trend Ologist trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 19 17:16:52 UTC 2004

I meant a de facto constitutional monarchy like, say,
Cromwell's Protectorate-- which was installed after an
emergency. If America got attacked with WMD I could
see a Protectorate installed, not in name but in
substance. We would be ruled by decrees; the president
would appoint his successor. 
Naturally, it's a big 'if', perhaps we are being
deliberately frightened by the administration's WMD
talk . Just today Cheney gave a little speech on
megadeath in an American city, the need to "wrap our
minds around" WMD attacks, and Kerry's own
unpreparedness in meeting such threats.

> I'm not so cynical or paranoid as to think they want
> to install a
> monarchy here. Or so stupid. You've been spending
> too much time in
> Britain. Installing a monarchy is about the
> stupidest move someone
> could make here. We like the British royals just
> fine as celebrities,
> so long as they stay on their side of the pond and
> visit on occasion.
> Doesn't mean we want or need or will tolerate any of
> our own.
> Why be a king when you can control who gets elected?
> No, what we are
> seeing here in the US is, with the vast expansion in
> the immigrant
> community, a return to the political boss system
> that existed prior to
> the advent of the political primary process. The
> bosses have now
> figured out how to totally game the system and use
> the media to program
> the voters to get the desired result.
> =====
> Mike Lorrey
> Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of
> human freedom.
> It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of
> slaves."
>                                       -William Pitt
> (1759-1806) 
> Blog:
> http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=Sadomikeyism
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