[extropy-chat] SIAI: Donate Today and Tomorrow

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 24 03:04:42 UTC 2004

--- Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:

> > Eliezer Yudkowsky:
> > 
> > Mike Lorrey wrote:
> > > 
> > > On that score, and regarding the discussion/argument you 
> > and I had over beers at Extro5...
> > 
> > Mike, I'm reasonably damn certain I didn't have a beer at 
> > Extro 5, nor indeed at any other point in my existence...
> > -- 
> > Eliezer S. Yudkowsky
> He's right Mike.  Remember when we had that hootnanny at
> my place after E5 and the yahoos were devouring beer
> and carrying on and having the evil laugh contest and
> so forth?  Eliezer was there, doing the hakosote
> thing (which must be a beer-drinking game) but he wasn't
> actually draining the suds.  That was my recollection in
> any case.

Argh. Now I'm the one complaining about the limits of English... ;)
Eli, I, and two others, I think Robert Bradbury and someone else, took
a stroll from the hotel to grab lunch one day.

> spike
> ps There was a young man who worked for Extropian Inst back
> then, I cannot recall his name.  Remind me please?  He was a
> student, nice guy, poet, very talented musician.  Where is he 
> now?  He was the one who brought about 800 bottles of beer to
> that schmooze. 

E Shaun Russell, was it not? 

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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