[extropy-chat] Sean, don't waste your time

Sean Diggins sean at valuationpartners.com.au
Sun Oct 24 16:47:59 UTC 2004


-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Spike
> Sean Diggins 

> Maybe that could be the tile of David's next book?
> Sean

Who is this David you are referring to?  Brin?  It
was Damien Broderick who wrote The Spike.



Yeah, I know.
Alreay corrected it in a previous post.
I had less than 3 hours sleep last night and worked hard today, so my
neurons arent firing as they should.
Least I didn't call you Darren (or Derwood....)

As someone very used to being called Shane, Shaun, Seen, Shawn and other
variations of Sean, I understand your annoyance spike.


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