[extropy-chat] funky frink function

Matthew Gingell gingell at gnat.com
Mon Oct 25 21:27:45 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey writes:
 > From:	(ft/s^2)*(1 year)
 > To:	.9 c
 > Result:	
 > 0.035648925264461071933

 What are you trying to do? You want to write something like:

 (1 foot / second ^ 2) * 1 year -> c


 (.032 c) / (1 foot / second ^2) -> years


 > Other than this, and the lack of the bushel as a unit, 

 It does have bushels:

 1 bushel
 0.03523907016688 m^3 (volume)

 The expression you tried previously, eg:

 7 grams c^2 -> bushels TNT

 doesn't work because you are trying to convert something with units
 m^2/kg^2 into something with units m^5/s^2. (a bushel is a volume of
 something, not a mass. )


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