[extropy-chat] entanglement and mass

scerir scerir at libero.it
Tue Oct 26 12:10:33 UTC 2004

From: "Damien Broderick"

> [a somewhat waffly piece perhaps of interest:]

by Vlatko Vedral

<< "Conclusions. In one of our previous publications we argued
that macroscopic entanglement exists at high temperatures
and is related to high temperature superconductivity.
In the present work we showed that the consequences of
that entanglement are the standard features of superconductors:
the Meissner effect and flux quantisation. Therefore any
experiments confirming these two effects are also automatically
offering evidence for macroscopic entanglement. We have speculated
that if the Higgs mechanism for mass generation is proven to
be correct, then the resulting Higgs bosons will be found
to be entangled [*]. Be that as it may, one question remains open,
both for superconductors, or for any other more general field.
Can we extract this existing entanglement and use it
for information processing? This would be very useful
in practice, and it would seem that natural macroscopic
entanglement could offer an infinite amount of quantum
non-locality for genuine quantum information processing.
This is the subject of an ongoing research.">>

[*] The relevant entanglement for superconductivity and Higgs 
bosons is the spatial entanglement between numbers of electrons 
at different space points.

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