[extropy-chat] glat test

Spike spike66 at comcast.net
Fri Oct 29 03:22:46 UTC 2004

> Adrian Tymes wrote:
> >Closer to the truth: especially at high levels, your
> >IQ primarily measures your skill at taking IQ tests...

Im one of the lucky ones who is of average intelligence
but has always been good at IQ tests.  Or perhaps unlucky:
people get to know me and find out that I am dumber than
they originally thought.  

Speaking of IQ tests, there is a wicked cool one going around,
the GLAT, or Google Labs Aptitude Test, which is inserted
in some magazines this month, such as Wired, Astronomy,
and probably some others that I don't read.  (Which?)  The
GLAT is actually a job application to work at Google here in
Mountain View.  I'm not looking for a job, but there are 
some waaaay cool puzzles in there.  I've solved all but
one of them, and Im hot on the trail of that last one,
which is: given an infinite array of one-ohm resistors,
what is the equivalent resistance of two nodes that are
a knight move apart?

I calculated way back in my collge days that the resistance 
of two nodes diagonally adjacent on an infinite grid is
is 2/pi.  I approximated that two adjacent nodes is about
0.38.  If you set up a subset of the grid with only 7 resistors
and calculate the hard way, the knight-move nodes Req is 7/5.
I *think* that the answer will somehow converge to exactly 1,
but maybe not.  In any case, find a GLAT and check it out.


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