[extropy-chat] Mother Teresa and Other Nunzillas [was Bush wants another $75 billion for wars]

Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
Fri Oct 29 05:30:52 UTC 2004

From: "Al Brooks" <kerry_prez at yahoo.com>

> The 'agitprop
> ridden commies' --no, you are not one of them-- who
> get all worked up over the starving people in Africa
> don't help the starving people in Africa, not unless
> they desire to sacrifice their lives a la someone like
> Mother Theresa.

No, no, no ... not Mommie Dearest! nooooooooooo....:


"You are suffering, that means Jesus is kissing you!" The man got furious
and screamed back: "Then tell your Jesus that he should stop kissing me!":


Mother T had a lifelong obsession with abortion. It was her central issue.
She was fundamentally opposed to it, regardless of circumstances. She was
against abortion in all cases, even in the case of rape, incest, or risk to
the woman's health. ... In 1993 she was asked about a case in Ireland about
a 14-year-old rape victim. Mother T remarked: "Abortion can never be
necessary because it is pure killing." Needless to say, M.T. was equally
opposed to contraception in all forms.:


And there's more rotten stuff.

Ever since I can remember nuns have given me the heebie jeebies (of course,
due to their costumes - nuns were more recognizable back then; nowadays,
they are  capable of impersonating regular human beings).


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