[extropy-chat] impeccable birth control

Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
Sat Oct 30 15:40:48 UTC 2004

From: "BillK" <pharos at gmail.com>

> Hmmm. Might another factor be the Independence and education of
> western women? They now expect a lot more from sex and a relationship
> than previous generations. Perhaps men look at the long list of hoops
> they are now expected to jump through (and pay for the privilege) ...

Hmmm.  Independent women don't expect men to "pay."  If women you know
*still* expect these old "privileges" from the past when many women didn't
have as many rights, but were financially supported in exchange (like
children), they're not independent women.  One can't have it both ways (I
know, I know ... but a lot of women do want it both ways and a lot of you
guys let them get away with it).


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