[extropy-chat] Creating a transhumanist consulting firm
Adrian Tymes
wingcat at pacbell.net
Sun Oct 31 16:55:03 UTC 2004
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> From: "Giu1i0 Pri5c0" <pgptag at gmail.com>
> >I have done some thinking on the possibility to
> create a transhumanist
> > consulting firm.
> Have you got a way of exchanging
> information/opinions for dollars
> b/n people in different countries over the net yet?
> ie. Do you know *how* to sell information services
> legally over the
> net given different information sellers
> (consultants) in different
> countries ?
First, restrict activities to countries which have a
legal basis for this and tend to enforce it. I.e.,
possibly not China (where IP can and will be ripped
off without proper compensation if it's arguably in
the interests of the state).
Second, make sure to get payment and proof of receipt
of information services. Using the existing
multinational credit networks helps - they've got
rules and enforcement mechanisms already set up for
handling purchases by citizens of one country from
citizens of another, and they would prefer that
businesses succeed. (Their own first and foremost, of
course, but they know they'll die if they get so
abusive that most businesses or most consumers stop
using them. And, indeed, those that forget this over
long periods are no longer around, no matter how
powerful they were.) One could even set it up as a
pure e-commerce play. (Been there, done that...)
It can be done, honest. But you are right to believe
that how to do it right is not the most simplest and
obvious thing in the world.
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