4. Re: Born lucky ? (was Re: [extropy-chat] urban sprawl as

Max M maxm at mail.tele.dk
Wed Sep 1 13:39:54 UTC 2004

Mike Lorrey wrote:

>I'd rather live in a dangerous but free world than one that is safe but
>unfree. "Live free or die" as the saying goes.
Mike, the freedom loving US rhetoric is pretty hollow for most people 
living outside the US.

There is no doubt that US citizens are among the most free people in the 
world. But the US governments respect for the freedom of people in other 
parts of the world isn't especially impressive.

The terror problem cannot be solved with increasing power.

As long as the US continues to govern the world by power and not from a 
morale high ground, they will keep setting them self up for terror 
attacks. They are not solving the problems that are causing the terror.

The reason that the Al Queda is attacking the US is because they believe 
that the US is supporting opressive governments in the middle east for 
"practical" reasons. As long as these governments have US support, the 
people in the middle east feel that they cannot do anything to topple 
their governments and get the rule they want themself. And there has 
been plenty of examples showing that to be true.

That the US is currently loosing the battle in Iraq isn't helping much 
either. Terrorist will take it as a sign of US impotense, despite all 
the impressive hardware. So they will feel far more certain that terror 
will work in the rest of the world, as well as it currently do in Iraq.

And as time goes on, smaller groups will get more and more destructive 
power. If the US continues on the route they are currently on, i fear 
that in the future they will suffer terrorist attacks far worse than 9/11.

If the US want to stop terror, they should stop supporting terror and 
suppressive rules.

regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark

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