[extropy-chat] the extropy list isn't actually dead
spike66 at comcast.net
Thu Sep 2 03:32:05 UTC 2004
> scerir
> Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] the extropy list isn't actually dead
> Brian Lee
> > Since the wafer is transformed into Christ's body
> > or whatever, it's no longer wheat and should not affect
> > the girl's allergies.
> Since the girl got the allergy, from a purely logical pov
> the question seems to be ... was Jesus made of gluten?
No, this is going off on the wrong track, theologically.
The girl was born with the tendency toward this wheat
allergy, so clearly, god gave it to her. Since this innate
condition precludes her from taking a proper communion,
one must conclude that god wanted her immortal soul to
be lost.
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