[extropy-chat] hurricane frances
emlynoregan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 7 07:08:21 UTC 2004
Something like one of these - it's a GSM terminal, basically a little
computer with a phone, and I/O ports.
plus battery backup and an attached webcam (hopefully that could be
attached through the rj12 port, or maybe you're stuck with the com
port). It'd be a few hundred bucks, but it's small (about
2''x3''x1''). I've got one here on my desk, cool little device! 44K
for code plus approx 20K ram.
If someone chose to provide this as a commercial service, you could
allow people to set these things up inside a private network (must be
in conjunction with a telco), and make them addressable from the
outside via a webservice, or even specific setups through a central
http://emlynoregan.com * blogs * music * software *
On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 12:23:19 -0700, Spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> > Amara Graps
> > Subject: [extropy-chat] hurricane frances
> >
> >
> > Spike:
> > >Heres my proposal. Let a group of volunteers set up a webcam
> > >in their neighbor's house, looking back at their own house...
> >
> > I wonder where was your home, Spike, because mine had no electricity
> > for about 24 hours during the '89 earthquake. I (and my neighbors)
> > were in the middle of suburban Cupertino. Makes it difficult to set
> > up a web cam, no?
> Oops you are right. I was without power for almost a day.
> We would hafta set these things to run on battery power for
> a while.
> > Minor damage, I agree, yes, but I was cleaning up the glass in my
> > kitchen for days, and I lost a few irreplaceable pieces in the
> > living room when the bookcases bounced a few feet, and my Mac Plus,
> > when it fell over, displayed the cracks in the case for the rest of
> > its life.
> Ja me too. My bookselves fell over on top of my two-week
> new MacSE30. Didn't damage the machine, but scuffed the
> case. I'll tell you, that machine was such a beauty:
> Motorola 68030 processor, screaming along at an unimaginable
> 8 megaHertz, memory upgraded to a full MEGABYTE of RAM (oh
> my goodness) and a 40 Mb hard disk! Paid more for that machine
> than a new subcompact car, but ooohhh boy, was I ever in
> the big leagues. The Vic20 I had been using was a joke
> in comparison to that. Of course the Vic20 was a joke
> compared to anything, but still.
> I see your point: we would need battery power
> to set up a random damage assessment system.
> spike
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