[extropy-chat] Sterling, Wired, and the Singularity
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Tue Sep 7 14:41:29 UTC 2004
>See Bruce Sterling being curmudgeonly on singularity (again) at
I hope the Institute for Accelerating Change did not boast about this
because. These types of statements take away credibility. There have been
many futurist conferences intentionally covering multidisciplinary
implications of accelerated change.
"The 2003 confab was billed as "the first in the world to focus on the
multidisciplinary implications of accelerating change and the
multidisciplinary implications of accelerating change and the consequences
of a technological singularity." What is a technological singularity? A
moment when runaway ad-vances outstrip human comprehension and all our
knowledge and experience becomes useless as a guidepost to the future." Bruce
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