[extropy-chat] Cryogenics Economics- Estate Tax deferral?

siproj siproj at ripco.com
Thu Sep 9 00:00:26 UTC 2004

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Greg Burch wrote:

> Oh sure, such things have happened and (as you suspected) still
> infrequently happen. But my point was about life insurance in general:
> Life insurance is the ultimate business based on the qualities of
> people's behavior in large numbers, and a successful reanimation would,
> I hope, change that.  The problem is this: life insurance is NEVER a
> good bet for the "life insured": if you win, you lose (i.e. die).  If
> you live longer than the insurer expects, you pay the insurer MORE.
> Even people of modest intelligence will figure out that life insurance
> isn't a good deal in more and more circumstances -- at least at the
> scale and for the reasons most people buy life insurance -- if they
> think they have a chance at vastly extended lifespans.

Actually not completely the case in real life Greg,
there was a guy that outlived his policy in Iowa a
few years back.  They paid out his policy while he
was alive since the original life insurance contract
assumed no one would live past 92 (approximately).

Insurance is merely a risk pool and a financial model
designed to acquire and re-invest capital.  The question
is to whom the profits go, the payout go according to
the rules in legitimate insurance contracts.

> This isn't to say that some kind of actuarily-based insurance product
> connected to both death-chances and cryonic suspension couldn't be
> crafted (life actuaries are fiendishly clever folks), but it would have
> to look quite a bit different -- legally and financially -- from current
> life insurance products. GB -- http://www.gregburch.net

Maybe the CryoAnnuity(tm) is the trademark you
ought to register for a (r) or (sm).  You still
practive I. P. law?   Maybe you can license it
to several carriers or create an insurance
contract and have back end insurance companies
do the gory details and get your space habitat
funded through passive income generation.

Let me know.


siproj at rci.ripco.com     Creator of alt.inventors and keeper of the Official
                         alt.inventors FAQ despite what some alt.config
                         sysadmin/waste of time/bandwidth actions.

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