[extropy-chat] Davies' freedom
matus at matus1976.com
Thu Sep 9 03:37:06 UTC 2004
> To: ExI chat list
> Subject: [extropy-chat] Davies' freedom
> Paul Davies freely speculates about free will.
> Two types of 'freedom' are described. One it is
> supernatural and one natural.
> http://www.naturalism.org/davies.htm
This site/page appears to be arguing that physics indicates free will
does not exist, though it claims the repercussions of that are not as
bad as the pro-free will camp (me for one) would argue
" Philosopher Galen Strawson is interviewed by Tamler Sommers on what it
would mean to free ourselves from mistaken beliefs in ultimate freedom
and moral responsibility. Living with the truth that such things don't
exist, although perhaps difficult at first, might bring considerable
psychological and social benefits."
" Philosopher Saul Smilansky thinks that belief in free will, which he
concedes doesn't exist, is necessary to provide essential support for
morality, meaning, and the worth of human beings. I argue that he is
mistaken on all counts, and that we would be better off morally and
existentially without believing the falsehood that we have free will.
Moreover, Smilansky's view entails a massive, world-wide project of
systematic deception about our causal connection to nature, which is
neither possible, necessary, nor desirable. Free will is not a necessary
fiction, and making known the naturalistic truth about ourselves is a
far better basis for human flourishing."
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