[extropy-chat] Fw: Keith could use some help.
David McFadzean
david at ideoware.com
Tue Sep 14 21:46:09 UTC 2004
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Henson" <hkhenson at rogers.com>
> Actually Keith is *desperate* for help.
> I got turned down on my refugee claim after an incredible 10 months after
> the last hearing. But after that my appeal to the Canadian federal courts
> was almost instantly rejected.
> So at this point I am a "failed refugee." The only thing that can keep me
> from being deported to the US on short notice is an appeal to the Minister
> of Citizenship and Immigration. Her office gets 15,000 letters a week so
> it takes a well known case to reach the level where it gets attention.
> Now you say, being deported to the US isn't so bad. Well in my case it
> is. Here is testimony obtained about a week ago. It is from May 13,
> 2004. A Toronto cop is being quizzed by my lawyer about events when I
> here three and a half years ago:
> Q. I don't think you need to go into that. I
> think we're all aware of that. Did Mr. Schwarz did you ask
> him if he was going to take any steps to extradite Mr. Henson?
> A. Yes, I did.
> Q. And he responded that he wasn't?
> A. He said the State of California would not
> extradite Mr. Henson from Canada, however, if Mr. Henson was
> found to be in another State, such as New York, then they would
> probably proceed with extradition requests from New York.
> Q. I see. But he made it clear to you that they
> have no intention to try to extradite him from Canada?
> A. It came down to a matter of cost, dollars and
> cents.
> Q. He wasn't candid enough to admit that they
> couldn't extradite him from Canada?
> A. No. He just said that the State of
> California would not extradite Mr. Henson from Canada.
> Q. I see.
> A. . because of the cost.
> Of course scientology would be footing the bill. Someone who has been
> sentenced does not have to be extradited, they can just be kidnapped by
> bounty hunters. And cult agents have made fairly clear public threats
> I would not survive jail.
> Considering the depth the cult has corrupted the government of Riverside
> County, I can hardly look for justice there. I am about to release the
> evidence that there is a 99.6% chance scientology "ran in" a jury pool of
> their own choice.
> Ok, if you want to help what to do?
> If you live in Canada, write your MP asking them to pass the email on to
> the Minister, Judy Sgro with a cc to my MP and if you will, a blind cc to
> me or if you want, post it. You can get your MP from your postal code by
> going here:
> My MP is Lloyd St Amand, Constituency Address
> 98 Paris Road, Unit 3
> Brantford, Ontario
> N3R 1H9
> E-Mail: stamal at parl.gc.ca
> He says that email and postal mail are given the same attention.
> If you are outside of Canada, supporting email to stamal at parl.gc.ca asking
> him to help me stay in Canada would be the way to go.
> If you know me personally or by reputation, put that in your email or
> letter. Half a page to a page is more likely to get read, but the length
> is up to you.
> Thumbnail background here.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Henson
> and in too much detail here:
> http://www.operatingthetan.com/civil-rights-letter-redacted.htm
> Much appreciate your efforts.
> Keith Henson
> PS and if anyone wants to read the whole transcript, ask and I will try to
> get it up on a web site.
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