[extropy-chat] Moveon.org
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 17 01:00:05 UTC 2004
--- Trend Ologist <trendologist at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> You could very well be correct concerning Bush's
> position on stem cell research, but any positions
> Kerry might have taken or will take before the
> election against the rights or prerogatives of gays
> can be automatically discounted; after the election
> it's a different ball game.
> If a true liberal, and Kerry is a real liberal with
> an ADA rating of 92, says he is opposed to any gay
> activist position, he or she is almost certainly being
> disingenuous.
> Do you expect Kerry to say he unequivocably advocates
> gay marriage in a nation as conservative as America?
> America is not the Netherlands.
No it isn't, and as much as I support the right of individuals to self
determine, marriage is not an issue the federal government has any
Constitutional authority to legislate about, pro or con. It is a state
issue. Nor are proponents of gay marriage honest about what they really
want. You can reproduce EVERY aspect of a regular legal marriage with
contract law and business partnership agreements, except ONE: social
security benefits inheritance.
Now if people really wanted to fix THAT, the right and libertarian
thing to do would be to end social security inheritance for everybody.
That would probably save social security too
Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
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