[extropy-chat] Moveon.org

Brent Neal brentn at freeshell.org
Sat Sep 18 01:14:21 UTC 2004

 (9/17/04 15:05) Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:

>This is exactly correct. The problem is that the big brass rings that
>the gay couples complain about are primarily in the area of govenment
>entitlements. If they were not so insistent on getting those bennies,
>I'd believe the argument a bit better. If the gay community supported
>your position, they'd publicly say they don't care about inheritable
>social security benefits.

I still cry 'bullshit' on your argument, Mike, for reasons previously stated.

Brent Neal
Geek of all Trades

"Specialization is for insects" -- Robert A. Heinlein

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