A view on cryonics (was Re: [extropy-chat] Bad Forecasts!)

Slawomir Paliwoda velvethum at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 17 16:48:03 UTC 2004

> So, without referring to how it came to be, but only considering how it
> is experienced, what is the measurable difference between being the
> original versus being the copy?
> - Jef

I answered this question in my reply to John K. Clark:

> 1) Prove to me that you are the original and not the copy.

Suppose the location of any mind in the future is recorded using 4
parameters (x,y,z,t). At the moment of creation, my clone's mind will
necessarily occupy a different location than my original mind. Therefore, I
will be able to prove my originality by presenting a log detailing
locations of my mind in space and time, which will show different values for
x, y, z, and t from the values of someone who claims to be me. As long as I
can show that the set of space-time position parameters for any two minds
never share the same exact values, I will always be able to prove identity
of any mind.


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