A view on cryonics (was Re: [extropy-chat] Bad Forecasts!)

scerir scerir at libero.it
Sun Sep 19 04:34:50 UTC 2004

Now, think of the overall process and all the positions 
mapped by all points of matter whose flow in space-time 
leads to the emergence of a mind. Unless you find a way 
to make A and B's matter flow exactly within the same
location AND time, I will always be able to verify their 
identities by investigating A and B's recorded trajectories 
in space-time.


Just a feeling (just a feeling) that it does not work 
properly. You cannot follow the causal link in space-time, 
because of "complementarity".

That A's and B's electrons (or quantons) flow exactly 
within the same location and time or, to say it better,
are such that you cannot realize "which is which", is
possible. (I'm assuming here that "flow" has a
quantal nature).

'However, since the discovery of the quantum of action, 
we know that the classical ideal cannot be attained 
in the description of atomic phenomena. In particular, 
any attempt at an ordering in space-time leads to a break
in the causal chain, since such an attempt is bound up 
with an essential exchange of momentum and energy between 
the individuals and the measuring rods and clocks used 
for observation; and just this exchange cannot be
taken into account if the measuring instruments are to fulfil 
their purpose. Conversely, any conclusion, based in an 
unambiguous manner upon the strict conservation of energy 
and momentum, with regard to the dynamical behaviour of the 
individual units obviously necessitates a complete
renunciation of following their course in space and time'. 
- Niels Bohr, Atomic Theory and the Description of Nature, 
pp. 97-8, Cambridge University Press,1934.

Even un-orthodox theories like Bohmian mechanics, which are
deterministic, have problems in following the causal link.
These theories, because they are deterministic, have to be
non-local, and must allow FTL effects.

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