[extropy-chat] moveon.org

David Lubkin extropy at unreasonable.com
Wed Sep 22 19:06:42 UTC 2004

Brent Neal wrote:

>I wasn't the one who did such conflating, Mike.  You've continuously 
>assumed that the wingnuts in the SBVFT represented some sort of large 
>scale 'evidence.'

Did you read and consider in toto _Unfit for Command_ before concluding 
that they are 'wingnuts,' or are you relying exclusively on other peoples' 

Not to pick on you, but it's very depressing to see how rarely most people 
(of all stripes), even otherwise intelligent and knowledgeable, will look 
beyond posturing and slogans to freely available source material, such as 
the text of the Geneva Conventions, a court ruling, a proposed bill, or a 
complete transcript of remarks.

-- David Lubkin.

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