A view on cryonics (was Re: [extropy-chat] Bad Forecasts!)

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Thu Sep 23 16:35:05 UTC 2004

"Giu1i0 Pri5c0" <pgptag at gmail.com>

> Only from the point of view of the identity before the
> transfer there is a doubt whether the identity after
> the transfer will be a continuation of her.

Forget transfer exotic identity transfer, this situation happens everyday in
ordinary life. From the point of view of you as you were yesterday are you
the same person today? I can't ask the "you" of yesterday what he thinks,
even you can not do that, all I can do is ask the "you" of today and all you
can do is ask yourself if you feel like the same person. If the answer is
yes then you are, and even if the answer is "no" throwing in an unusual
brain copying procedure will not make the answer any more of a "no".

  John K Clark      jonkc at att.net

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