[extropy-chat] Converging Technologies for a Diverse Europe
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Fri Sep 24 16:11:42 UTC 2004
>From Anders Sandberg's blog, a report on the on the recent conference
Converging Technologies for a Diverse Europe, a European initiative
similar to the NBIC initiative in the US. Sandberg is quite critical:
"The quick of it: if the US is doing converging technologies, then the
EU must of course do the same. But of course in a more ethical way,
just to keep that technology from doing something unexpected. If we
can get the public involved, then maybe we can avoid stupid
polarizations, misuse and make the technology more human, softer, more
european. But I believe it when I see it, because the highminded ideas
of the report underlying the conference will be filtered through layer
after layer of EU administration and agendas. In the end the result
might well be completely opposite to the aim… The only mention of
transhumanism is indeed a dismissive mention of the US report as
causing alarms by being too transhumanistic..."
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