[extropy-chat] Re: Fwd: Manditory draft for your child?
Trend Ologist
trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 29 22:57:18 UTC 2004
There will be no draft...unless an emergency arises,
and then the plan would be to conscript three or four
--- David Lubkin <extropy at unreasonable.com> wrote:
> Beyond what Spike and Mike said, let me seize the
> opportunity to take a
> caber from last week's Highland Games, sharpen one
> end, add a steel casing,
> and use a railgun to accelerate it at 9800 fps
> through the heart of the
> Hoax That Will Not Die.
> As the email suggests, check it out at the
> Congressional web site,
> thomas.loc.gov. The bill was introduced on 1/7/2003
> and referred to
> committee on 2/3/2003. It has gone nowhere since.
> According to Americans for Democratic Action, all
> sponsors of both bills
> are Democrats and strongly liberal. Bill sponsors or
> co-sponsors, and their
> 2003 ADA rating --
> 85% Rep Rangel, Charles [NY-15]
> 95% Rep Abercrombie, Neil - 1/7/2003 [HI-1]
> 95% Rep Brown, Corrine - 1/28/2003 [FL-3]
> n/a Rep Christensen, Donna M. - 5/19/2004 [VI]
> 95% Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy - 1/28/2003 [MO-1]
> 90% Rep Conyers, John, Jr. - 1/7/2003 [MI-14]
> 90% Rep Cummings, Elijah E. - 1/28/2003 [MD-7]
> 100% Rep Hastings, Alcee L. - 1/28/2003 [FL-23]
> 95% Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila - 1/28/2003 [TX-18]
> 90% Rep Lewis, John - 1/7/2003 [GA-5]
> 100% Rep McDermott, Jim - 1/7/2003 [WA-7]
> 95% Rep Moran, James P. - 1/28/2003 [VA-8]
> n/a Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes - 1/28/2003 [DC]
> 100% Rep Stark, Fortney Pete - 1/7/2003 [CA-13]
> 90% Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. - 1/28/2003 [NY-12]
> In the Senate, S.89 was introduced by Fritz Hollings
> (80% rating) without
> cosponsors on 1/7/2003, and was immediately referred
> to committee. There
> has been no action since.
> ADA declares itself to be "the nation's oldest
> independent liberal
> organization," and says its ratings "have served as
> the standard guideline
> measuring a legislator's political liberalism" since
> 1947.
> See http://www.adaction.org/2003housevr.htm for
> House ratings;
> http://www.adaction.org/2003senatevr.htm for Senate
> ratings. Christensen
> and Norton are non-voting delegates (Virgin Islands
> and DC), so they lack
> ratings.
> Meanwhile, DOD's immediate response to the bill was
> strong opposition. In
> the Washington Post --
> >Rumsfeld said troops from Vietnam War conscription
> added "no value, no
> >advantage, really, to the United States armed
> services ... because the
> >churning that took place, it took an enormous
> amount of effort in terms of
> >training, and then they were gone."
> >
> >Air Force Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the
> Joint Chiefs of Staff,
> >seconded Rumsfeld's assessment during a Pentagon
> news conference.
> >
> >The Pentagon rebuff came minutes after Rep. Charles
> B. Rangel (D-N.Y.)
> >announced he had introduced a measure to require
> all U.S. citizens and
> >permanent residents ages 18 to 26 to complete two
> years of compulsory
> >service inside or outside the armed forces.
> For Rumsfeld's and Myers' full answer, see the press
> conference transcript at
> They remain opposed, a year later, as the Washington
> Times reported --
> >"I don't know anyone in the executive branch of the
> government who
> >believes it would be appropriate or necessary to
> reinstitute the draft,"
> >Mr. Rumsfeld told a Washington gathering of members
> of the Newspaper
> >Association of America, the American Society of
> Newspaper Editors and the
> >Associated Press.
> The full transcript is at
> Rumsfeld has
> fulminated more than once about why he views drafts
> as inane and harmful.
> -- David Lubkin.
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