[extropy-chat] Intelligent Design and Irriducible Complexity
Trend Ologist
trendologist at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Sep 29 23:25:56 UTC 2004
Does it make sense that an intelligent designer would
place the human mind in the body of a lousy primate?
--- Kurt Schoedel <kurt at metatechnica.com> wrote:
> The amusing thing about the "Intelligent Design"
> croud is that their
> arguments can be used against them.
> The creationists argue that biological systems so
> complex, irriducibly
> complex that they simply cannot have evolved through
> natural processes.
> So they say, biology had to have been designed. The
> problem, of course,
> is that the designer itself is an example of an
> irriducibly complex
> system that the designer itself had to have been
> designed by another
> designer, and so on. this is an example of an
> infinite recursion. When
> you point this out to creationists, they tend to go
> bananas on you.
> The effect is really quite entertaining.
> Kurt Schoedel
> MetaTechnica
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