[extropy-chat] Intelligent Design and Irriducible Complexity
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 15:09:58 UTC 2004
--- The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> 3. Considering our solar system as a statistical
> sample, a rough guess at the upper bound of the
> frequency of WISP-born life is about 1 planet with
> life in 9 or 1/9.
The problem with your argument on this score is evident. We know of one
planet where the conditions are capable of supporting WISP, and on that
one planet, WISP did seem to occur, so the probability of WISP is just
as high as ID. You are stacking the dice by counting planets where
physics says WISP cannot occur.
In fact, if we also count the odds that life once existed on Mars, but
does not anymore, what does that say about ID? Did it make a mistake?
How could that be if it were intelligently driven?
We can also look at Europa-like planets and/or moons. Why would ID
develop life that would never be able to sit on a hill and gaze at the
stars wondering where in the heavens one's creator is or was? Sadism?
Or was it NOT ID and just collateral damage. The ID-master set things
up to make intelligent life on earth, but Mars and Europa are just
accidents of necessity along the way.
Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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