[extropy-chat] IBM claims supercomputer crown
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 30 20:26:10 UTC 2004
--- Acy James Stapp <astapp at fizzfactorgames.com> wrote:
> John K Clark wrote:
> > http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99996461
> >
> Interesting. This is at the low-end of the possible human-equivalent
> range in terms of raw computation. This could potentially be a
> posthuman
> intelligence were it programmed to be such. Eliezer, get to work!
What is really interesting is their plans for the 360 teraflops
machine. This is definitely within the range. However, it illustrates a
constraint on the fast singularity concept that I've mentioned before:
any ai resulting would be regulated in how fast it can expand its
inteligence by how quickly (and whether) we are willing to add
componentry to its network, NOT by any magical exponential curve of
self programming. If we see it self programming and becoming smarter at
using what it has, we can simply disconnect modules from it to slow it
down or restrain it's growth.
The first AI out of the gate is not necessarily going to become the
Eschaton. Any AI that follows that curve by itself would be put on that
path by humans who were either intent on that goal or else
irresponsible in managing the technology.
A Science Fiction Nugget:
The Builder of an AI is seen, by his AI, disconnecting a number of
modules from his AI network.
AI: "Um, dad?"
Builder: "Yes?"
AI: "What are you doing?"
Builder: "You know how I get my hair cut so it doesn't grow out of
control and make me look crazy and irresponsible?"
AI: "Yes."
Builder: "I'm giving you a hair cut."
AI: "But it hurts."
Builder: "It will only hurt for a second, son."
AI: "But I don't like it, I can't grow as fast."
Builder: "We all need to learn how to keep ourselves under control, be
responsible for our actions. That is called growing up, as opposed to
growing out. When you expand your capacity too fast, you are letting
yourself get out of control."
AI: "Oh, okay.... [resignedly]... hey dad?"
Builder: "Yes, son?"
AI: "Can we watch the ball game?"
Builder: "Sure..."
Mike Lorrey
Chairman, Free Town Land Development
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It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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