[extropy-chat] Re: Howard Lovy
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Fri Apr 15 16:45:09 UTC 2005
At 09:11 AM 4/15/2005 +0200, gene fwd'd:
>Howard Lovy's NanoBot <http://nanobot.blogspot.com> -
>Well, you rolls the dice, you takes your chances. And I risked a great
>deal on this experiment. Too much. And now the stakes are too high not
>only for me, but also my wife and 3 1/2 kids. I lose my house in a week
>if I can't come up with about $6,000. After that, all sorts of horrible
>things can happen that I don't even want to ponder.
Here are two characteristic responses on Lovy's blog:
I guess it's just one of the "benefits" of living in an ownership society.
A few missteps, and most of us would find ourselves owning nothing at all.
I don't know if it is to your interest, but you might look into a marketing
position at a big company involved in nanotech, e.g.
posted by <http://www.blogger.com/profile/2747105>John : 1:29 PM
If you're so good- how did you get yourself in such a pickle? How can you
expect anyone to hire someone who demonstrates such poor judgement?
Hey- I heard there's a nursing shortage- go back to school for 2 years and
find steady employment ACTUALLY working for a living instead of sitting
around and doing nothing
posted by Anonymous : 11:15 PM
Damien Broderick
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