[extropy-chat] TransColloquium Meeting: Dealing with New Pope's Campaign

Amara Graps amara at amara.com
Tue Apr 26 10:20:11 UTC 2005

Natasha wrote:
>  Extropy Institute is calling for a meeting at the TransColloquium for
>  Transhumanist organizations to discuss strategies for dealing with the
>  potential for conflicts that might arise from the Pope's declaration
>  concerning the moral relativism and the "cultural wars". This is a global
>  issue for transhumanity.

Did anyone actually hear Ratzinger's inauguration speech? That
would be the 'official church view'. (I didn't hear it)

Even though I've been on travel for large chunks of the last two
weeks (I was much more concerned if my plane would be permitted to
land at the main Rome airport on the day of his inauguration), of
the bits and pieces I've picked up from the English press, the new
Pope is seriously backpaddling to his own personal views and
offering conciliatory gestures. He gave that 'moral relativism
speech' on his way to the electoral process, _before_ he was elected
as the official Church mouthpiece.

So while I agree that this discussion is good preparation, and I
think that a person who has as strong of views as he does is
unlikely to change (but who knows?), until his 'moral relativism'
idea is given as the official Church doctrine, I think that the
Extropy Institute should not assume too much (yet) about what are
the new Church policies.


P.S. I tried to listen to the NPR radiocast that spawned this
discussion, but the sound file at their website gives many errors
to my computer, and I didn't succeed to hear what they said. The
NPR might have more current data about the 'New Pope's campaign'
than what I've picked up in bits and pieces in the last couple
weeks, so is there a written account somewhere (NPR or not-NPR)
of the campaign?


Amara Graps, PhD          email: amara at amara.com
Computational Physics     vita:  ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt
Multiplex Answers         URL:   http://www.amara.com/
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