[extropy-chat] Humanity’s entry into the post-Darwinian era

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 10:16:18 UTC 2005

The Transhumanity <http://www.transhumanism.org/index.php/th/> blog has an 
interesting essay by the Los Alamos scientist Alex Alaniz, also author of 
the SF novel Beyond Future

Humanity's entry into the post-Darwinian
era<http://www.transhumanism.org/index.php/th/more/844/>- An essay
concerning law, social identity, inequality, conflict, crime,
warfare and economic reality at the cusp of humanity's entry into 
post-corporeal, post-Darwinian evolution - This essay will address some of 
the legal, social, and economic issues of a post-Darwinian future, pose many 
questions, and try to make the case that now is the time for active 
discussion regarding the development of legal and economic means to greatly 
reduce—if not altogether prevent—the dangers and pitfalls of the real future 
shock about to befall all of us, namely, our entry into a post-Darwinian 
evolutionary era. It will also touch on the possible natures and physical 
restrictions constraining a post-Darwinian evolution, and discuss our likely 
motivations for entry into a post-corporeal era, along with the possible 
attendant social and economic consequences, such as the possibility of the 
richest rich, as post corporeal beings, so rapidly consuming the world's 
resources, the poorest poor are starved out of existence. It will conclude 
with a call for simulations of the world in the not-too-distant future along 
the lines of the popular internet game SimCity.
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