[extropy-chat] Almost, but not completely, unlike A.I. or "scramble the rat fighters!"

The Avantguardian avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 7 17:21:57 UTC 2005


'A brain nurtured in a Petri dish learns to pilot a
fighter plane as scientists develop a new breed of
"living" computer.'

Read on . . .


If this is legitimate,and it is pursued, it
singlehandedly pushes my estimated time of arrival of
the singularity up by several decades to a mere 15
years away. If 25,000 rat neurons interfaced to a PC
can fly an F-22 in a hurricane, imagine what 10^12
neurons (rat, goat, human... I don't think it matters
although I would go with human because then we could
appeal to its nepotism) interfaced to a Cray or a
Blue-gene could do? Even a mystic neovitalist such as
myself sees the post-human writing on the wall with
tech like this being developed. No need to reverse
engineer the animus for your mind children when you
can just comandeer it from already living cells.
Brilliant and scary.

The Avantguardian 
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. . ."

- Albert Einstein, "What I Believe" (1930)

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