[extropy-chat] against ID
gts_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 12 20:14:18 UTC 2005
On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 13:54:57 -0500, kevinfreels.com
<kevin at kevinfreels.com> wrote:
> What is especially interesting is that the Catholic Church officially
> agrees that ID does not belong in the classroom. :-)
According to this site the Catholic Church never formally condemned
evolution, and then embraced it positively in 1996:
"On 1996-OCT-23, the Pope sent a formal statement to the Pontifical
Academy of Science which stated that 'fresh knowledge leads to recognition
of the theory of evolution as more than just a hypothesis.' He did not
identify this new knowledge. Italian newspapers reported this development
as front-page news. Il Messaggero published the headline 'The Pope
Rehabilitates Darwin'. Il Giornale printed 'The Pope Says We May Descend
from Monkeys.'"
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