[extropy-chat] The NeoCon Mind-Trick (was letter concerning presidential growth)
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 15 22:34:51 UTC 2005
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> If Bush is not impeached, the next US President will
> come to power
> *knowing* that Bush was not impeached after invading
> a sovereign
> country and member of the UN to find weapons of mass
> destuction
> that didn't exits. What possible grounds could there
> be for
> impeachment in the future that would top what Bush
> has done?
If history is any indicator, all it takes is a popular
President to recieve a blow job in the oval office.
Apparently a sexual indiscretion is far more grievous
than murdering thousands on false pretenses.
> The next US President will think with good reason
> having
> watched and learned the lessons of history that he
> or she is
> untouchable and unaccountable because the system is
> such
> and the citizenry is such that they will not care
> and they will
> have diminshed mechanisms for holding him or her to
> account.
It is not really about the citizenry anymore, it is
about what the financial elite want. They wield the
power to manipulate the citizenry through their
strangle-hold on the mass media.
> And around the world politicans in 'democratic'
> countries will
> look at the US as the template and they will see
> what works,
> how the public is divided and manipulated and they
> will learn
> and imitate.
Yes. The elite are quickly zeroing in on how to
mislead and manipulate the voters into getting any
result they want. The founders of democracy never
forsaw the awesome power of the mass media thus not
only is America sliding down the slippery slope of
mass marketed facism but so is the rest of the
barely-still-free world. The last to succumb to these
tactics of mass mind control will be the non-vetted
intellectuals whose observations of the subtle
machinations of the elite will be dismissed as
"conspiracy theories" despite the fact that they are
not theories but simple observations. And it is not a
conspiracy, just decades of mass marketing research
being applied to politics by anybody wealthy enough to
afford the technology and expertise to do so. "Buy
MacDonalds- never mind the cholesterol. Vote
Republican- ignore the lies and murder."
It only works on the less intelligent, but they
comprise the majority in any democracy. And that is
all that is needed to secure power by the elite.
There was a clear positive correlation between the
average IQs of states that voted Democrat in the 2004
presidential elections and conversely an inverse
correlation between IQ and Republican votes.
I first saw this data here:
But a some other sites claim it is a hoax. So being
the empiricist, I checked it out myself. I have
attached the results of my quick and dirty study as an
Excel file.
The only IQ data for the states I had access to were
from the report that tickle.com gives you for taking
their "classic IQ test" which I took a few weeks ago
as part of the list IQ survey:
It is listed at the end of the report they let you
link to after you take their test and wade through a
pile of offers for spam. Although they may only give
it free for high scorers but I am not certain.
The election data I got from
The analysis was a simple plug and chug on Excel. If
you don't believe my analysis, feel free to crunch the
data yourself. If you are good at statistics, then
feel free to reanalyze the data and let me know what
you get. I did notice that the tickle IQs were higher
across the board than the earlier reported IQ scores
for the states. I attribute this to selection bias,
since only a reasonably smart person would be on the
Internet and take an online IQ test. Yet still the
correlations hold so I, at least, am convinced.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed. . ."
- Albert Einstein, "What I Believe" (1930)
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