[extropy-chat] letter concerning presidential growth
Brett Paatsch
bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au
Fri Dec 16 23:50:41 UTC 2005
Adrian Tymes wrote:
> --- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>> You say so far, have you any reason to think that she will ever
>> want Bush or Cheney to atone for any wrongs they might have
>> done?
> Yes: the rest of the words she used to describe their actions.
> She may have been hinting via the "ballot box" suggestion that
> she would like to proceed with impeachment, if more
> pro-impeachment Congresspeople were voted in in 2006, without
> going on the record as explicitly saying she's pro-impeachment
> before such an action would in her professional judgment be
> possible (which might cause her to be singled out by the current
> power structure as an example, and make her unable to implement
> even minor changes).
Perhaps but that seems to me to be drawing rather a long bow
from her allusion to the "ballot box", expecially as you asked her
when not if. A longer bow than you need to draw when you
could ask her follow up questions to clarify, if you are really
"pro-impeachment" yourself.
I have absolutely no doubt that Congresspeople are watching
the polls, listening to the news and trying to gauge the mood of
the citizens voters, they know that there has to be the political
will for impeachment to be doable even if there is the best
possible legal and constitutional grounds for it.
>> That's what I want, an atoning. I want America to atone.
> Equating Bush and Cheney to all of America in this matter is
> incorrect. It is also increasingly off-topic for this list.
No my respected American correspondent, it is not.
I think your nation state of America has become the single
greatest threat to extropy in the world because your
countrymen have been so complacent in regard to their
responsibilities to their fellow human beings that they
have allowed successive US Presidential administrations
to increasingly flagrantly undermine the basis of international
laws established for the purpose of maintaining international
peace and security.
This is directly on topic for the extropy list.
As a non US citizen, I have a grievance that I want US
citizens who post to the extropy list and some of whom
claim to be transhumanists to hear with respect and to
You are increasingly allowing your government to be a force
for destruction in our shared human world and I want you to
take to apply some extropic thinking and take some extropic
action to rectify that.
I want you US citizens to recognize the wrongs that you have
permitted to be done in your name and to use your power
as US citizens to rectify the wrongs that you have done.
I do not speak to you as a US citizen or as someone for
whom your nations national interest is my highest object
because your nations national interest is not my highest
object and it never will be.
Brett Paatsch
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