[extropy-chat] The NeoCon Mind-Trick
Herb Martin
HerbM at learnquick.com
Sun Dec 18 14:34:49 UTC 2005
> -----Original Message-----
> From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
> [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of
> Jack Parkinson
> Sent: Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:47 PM
> To: extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org
> Subject: RE: [extropy-chat] The NeoCon Mind-Trick
> > From: "Herb Martin" <HerbM at learnquick.com>
> > The UN Security Council voted UNANIMOUSLY in binding
> > resolution 1441 that Iraq was in breach AND to require
> > Saddam to comply.
> >
> > No subsequent resolution was every voted and so it
> > remained the controlling resolution -- understood by
> > all who voted as authorizing force.
> >
> > So unless you wish to see those 25,000,000 re-enslaved
> > by Saddam it is time to learn to see the BIG PICTURE
> > and realize that no matter what you petty political
> > feelings this was a VERY GOOD THING.
> >
> 1441 did not authorize force. It implied severe penalties IF
> the security
> council was apprised of further non-compliance and IF it then
> reconvened to
> consider the matter further. This was also noted in the joint
> French/Russian/Chinese interpretations (Google - they are
> everywhere) The
> 1441 resolution was referred to by Kofi Annan as a 'step
> towards a peaceful
> resolution'...
> War is never a VERY GOOD THING and it remains extremely
"Never" is a big word. May we presume you think Saddam
should still be in power?
Or that the French should have capitulated to Hitler without
fighting? Or that Britain and the US should not have invaded
on D-Day and re-captured Europe from the Nazi regime?
Sometimes was is absolutely superior to all other choices,
and in that sense a good thing, but freeing 25,000,000 people
from tyranny is DEFINITELY A GOOD THING.
President Bush has led the freeing of over 60,000,000
human beings. Not bad for six years.
(Afghanistan, Iraq, Liberia, and Haiti)
No one who politically opposes him is willing to admit
or credit this however.
Your petty politics stand up poorly to the results.
And let's be clear about that old saw reference ends
and means is just plain wrong and should read:
"The ends had damn well better justify the means."
Herb Martin
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