[extropy-chat] Nuclear terraforming
Jay Dugger
jay.dugger at gmail.com
Sun Dec 18 17:06:52 UTC 2005
Sunday, 18 December 2005
On 12/17/05, Robert Bradbury <robert.bradbury at gmail.com> wrote:
[snip Robert's superior summary]
> The entire discussion (that I've seen thus far) assumes that one wants to
> terraform a planet in the first place. Seems questionable to me -- lets go
> create more habitats at the bottom of gravity wells making rather poor use
> of the easily available resources rather than engineer lifeforms that don't
> require gravity and/or make optimal use of the resources at our disposal.
> Robert
> P.S. I've got *two* copies of Terraforming... :-) Someday I'll probably
> put it online but it is unlikely to be anytime soon.
Ah! I look up from my scanner just in time to see the market flooded.
Well, that price probably sat pretty far from optimal. OTOH, Alibris
suggests otherwise.
> 1. The beaming of power from SPS to the surface with microwaves can be
> tricky because various molecules in the atmosphere could absorb the
> microwaves which would make the atmosphere hotter, not cooler. You could
> manage this by selecting microwave frequencies that don't have this effect
> but I don't know what the frequencies would be given the materials one would
> have on hand for the building the transmitters and receivers for the power.
> This entire area would require some research.
Environmental consequences of SPS got short shrift in O'Neill's time.
Some references might exist here, in the online copy of NASA's Space
Settlement Design Study.
Edwards's "The Space Elevator" Chapter 4 discusses power transimission
via free-electron lasers.
With an online search, perhaps at SpaceDaily or The Space Review or
SpaceRef or Encyclopedia Astronautica, one might find references to
various high-alititude aircraft and airship projects relying on beamed
Jay Dugger
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