[extropy-chat] Impeachment of President Bush What odds am Ioffered?
Jeff Davis
jrd1415 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 20 06:40:25 UTC 2005
--- Brett Paatsch <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> Jeff Davis wrote:
> > Before Jan of 2007: 1 in 10
> You sure Jeff, i.e. you have US$10K in assets
> you are willing to guarantee with and effectively
> place in escrow now?
I'm sorry, Brett, I didn't mean to imply that I was
actually taking the bet. Truth is I haven't two
nickels to rub together. Which might be bad news
except I have a rich wife who is devoted to me -- go
figure -- and who has a summer home in Canada, and a
winter home in Mexico. It's better to be lucky than
Please accept my invitation. If you ever find
yourself on this side of the big pond, please stop in
for a visit. I'll put another Yank on the barbie.
Maybe that Herb Martin guy.
Best, Jeff Davis
"I thought I was taller."*
Milton Berle
* Uncle Milty raises his stogey as if to take a puff,
then jabs his forehead with the chewed-on end. And
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