[extropy-chat] Singularitarian verses singularity
Giu1i0 Pri5c0
pgptag at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 08:35:33 UTC 2005
Given definitions like "the S is accelerated exponential growth
becoming vertical, with more change in seconds than now in years,
change triggering new change, and no prediction is possible from
here", clearly S is a family of possible scenarios. At the same time I
am not persuaded that a S will happen.
You can be an activist for something that apparently hasn't happened
yet - last time I looked there was no peace on earth, this does not
mean that one should not try. Rather, the problem with S-ism is that
the S is not defined in sufficient detail. Saying "I want things to
change" is not enough imo to motivate activism, one is supposed to say
something about *what* change she wants to see.
On 12/21/05, Anna Tylor <femmechakra at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Again, maybe another naive question:)
> How can you be activist for something that apparently hasn't happened yet?
> How come it sounds like Nostradamus? Predicting things in advance that
> hasn't happen yet?
> How can I be singularitarian when i'm not sure what is singularity?
> Knowing it's going to happen doesn't predict how it's going to happen?
> Just curious
> Anna
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