[extropy-chat] Singularitarian verses singularity +HIGH IQS!
Joseph Bloch
transhumanist at goldenfuture.net
Fri Dec 23 02:30:04 UTC 2005
gts wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Dec 2005 04:14:28 -0500, Marc Geddes
> <marc.geddes at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What are cognitive processes for, if not for achieving contentment and
>>> survival?
>> Humans have the survival urge because evolution made us that way.
>> There's no reason why this urge would apply to intelligences in general.
> By your definition then, a super-intelligence might destroy itself for
> no particular reason. But to me this would seem a very unintelligent
> thing to do.
Only if self-survival is a priority. I think what Marc was getting at is
that self-survival is a priority for us, because evolutionary pressures
selected against those individuals for whom it was not a priority. A
hypothetical superintelligence, not having been necessarily subject to
those same sorts of evolutionary pressures, might not have self-survival
as a priority.
I could also point out that self-sacrifice for a cause could easily be
seen as an "intelligent thing to do"-- from the standpoint of the
superintelligence. A superintelligence might well come to the conclusion
that it's continued existence was not optimal for the well-being of the
universe, and destroy itself. We, not possessing superintelligence,
might not recognize this as being the case, and interpret it as a random
act done for no particular reason, from our limited perspective.
What mortal can know the motives of the Gods?
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