[extropy-chat] Singularitarian verses singularity

Jeff Medina analyticphilosophy at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 14:47:21 UTC 2005

Off-list reply:

You said:
"I am concerned that if you pursue friendly AI with your values in
a position of responsibility as you apparently hold within the Singularity
Institute that any AI that results may be distinctly unfriendly to the likes
of people such as me who do not want to be ruled by a benevolent
dictator with an inclination to censorship and authoritarian rule."

It is utterly apparent from this statement that you have no idea what
Eli's approach to FAI is. At what point did you decide it was
acceptable and sensible for you to attack views you haven't bothered
to even read up on?

It's all well and good to call people on their views when they ask for
funding (and even when they don't). But if you want to challenge those
views, you're obliged to do your best to understand them before you
attack them. And you most certainly have not done anywhere near that.


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