[extropy-chat] Impeachment of President Bush What odds am I offered?
David Lubkin
extropy at unreasonable.com
Fri Dec 23 21:49:21 UTC 2005
Brent wrote:
> >Read this please.
> >http://www.nationalreview.com/pdf/12%2022%2005%20NSA%20letter.pdf
>Read this please. It carries about as much weight as the letter you reference.
That's like claiming that an article in Newsweek carries as much
weight as a paper in Lancet.
The document that National Review made available on their web site is
essentially a legal brief, in letter form. As one often sees in
pleadings, it makes several independent arguments, each of which, if
valid, would demonstrate the legality of the NSA interceptions.
I haven't done the research to give my opinion on the merits of DOJ's
arguments, but they appear on par with what one sees in Supreme Court
pleadings. In other words, there may be convincing counter-arguments,
but they will have to be rigorously reasoned and grounded in case law.
Important facets that the Supreme Court recently reminded us of are
that we have three co-equal branches of government, that there are
responsibilities placed on the executive branch that are not shared
by the other branches, and that there are areas in which the Supreme
Court either cannot weigh in or must give maximum possible deference
to the executive or legislative branch.
I suspect, as Spike said, that the courts will uphold the legality of
the NSA intercepts. Whether they are legal, of course, is distinct
from the questions of whether they are wise or whether I approve of them.
-- David.
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