[extropy-chat] Politics: worthwhile commentary

Technotranscendence neptune at superlink.net
Sat Dec 31 14:00:45 UTC 2005

IMHO, Thomas Friedman and Victor Davis Hanson: court intellectuals.
Hanson might be an intelligent court intellectual, but he's still a
court intellectual.  (A good paper dealing with the phenomenon of court
intellectuals is "Toward a Theory of State Capitalism: Ultimate
Decision-Making and Class Structure" by Walter E. Grinder and John Hagel
III at http://www.mises.org/journals/jls/1_1/1_1_7.pdf  It's a PDF

Regardless of who you like, too, you should probably read a decent mix
and especially read some of those you disagree with and even dislike.

Happy New Year!

    See more of my droolings at:

"... governments kill far more people than do terrorist groups.  From
1980 to 2000, international terrorists killed 7,745 people, according to
the U.S. State Department.  Yet, in the same decades, governments killed
more than 10 million people in ethnic-cleansing campaigns, mass
executions, politically caused famines, wars, and other slaughters.  The
9/11 attacks made 2001 probably the only year in decades in which the
number of people killed by international terrorists even approached 1
percent of the number killed by governments.  Governments pose a far
greater threat to peace and survival than do terrorist groups."  -- 
James Bovard at http://www.antiwar.com/orig2/bovard022104.html

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