AnarchoCyphertopian technologies (wasRE: [extropy-chat] Reccommendations for a mailing list)

Keith Henson hkhenson at
Fri Feb 11 15:57:29 UTC 2005

At 07:06 AM 11/02/05 -0600, Greg Burch wrote:


>Thinking back on the world we imagined being implemented with 
>AnarchoCyphertopian(c) technologies, it seems in hindsight there were two 
>phenomena that we didn't foresee with enough clarity -- terrorism and 
>spam.  And they seem like they are related in an important way.  They are 
>both examples of a class of users of such technology that have no 
>consideration for secondary values; they sacrifice everything else to 
>achieve just one aim that is all-important to them and that are complete 
>spoilers for all other members of the user community.  I like the sound of 
>what you've written -- "agoric throttling" -- is that your term, 
>Eugen?  At any rate, it seems here in this after-age of 2005 that the 
>problem of the "totalistic user," the user willing to burn the community 
>to achieve a single goal, has to be solved.

I think I know why you missed terrorism and spam.

The reason is deeply embedded in human minds and is a related to what I 
have been discussing here and other places for the last two years.

More if you want it.

Keith Henson

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