AnarchoCyphertopian technologies (wasRE: [extropy-chat] Reccommendations for a mailing list)

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Fri Feb 11 18:06:48 UTC 2005

On Fri, Feb 11, 2005 at 04:53:30PM +0000, Dirk Bruere wrote:

> And then the last dream of 'free speech' on the Net dies with it.

The same infrastructure can provide a continuum between complete freedom, and
complete control. The user can choose freely. Reversibly, simultaneously.

Both one-time and persistent nyms can be provably separated from physical
location, at the cost of increased latency (not an issue when streaming).

You can have both. There are no tradeoffs. Abuse floor for one-time nyms will
be so high that few people will use them often. Building nym prestige becomes

> The answer to spam and virus writing/dispersal lies within the wider 
> community.

No. Solutions exist, they're not being deployed. People are the problem, not

You can't solve people-domain problems with technology as long that
technology doesn't have an intrinsic sufficient incitement, or its 
absence sufficiently penalized. You can't make people think and act.
> If the penalties for both were severe the problem would be vastly reduced.

Great! Crack down on Microsoft, mandate use of hardened, secure systems. 
Both spam and virus problem almost instantly almost completely disappears.

> Spam is money motivated. Make it non-cost effective to both advertise via 

Great! Lets make money flow realtime inspectable and controlled... er... perhaps not.

> spam and to perform the actual spamming. Full confiscation of assets and 

Charge money for email, make senders fully authenticated. 

What a stupid idea.

> lengthy jail time for a start.

Have fun tracking down some random spammer in Malaysia, or Tunisia. What do
you propose, having them extreme sanctioned by a special force team? Great.
Cost effective, makes for a great press.
> Redefine deliberate virus promulgation as terrorism and prosecute and 

A terrorist jaywalker crossed the street before me today. I blew him away
with my bazooka. That will teach'em, them terrorists jaywalkers. I intend to
start on parking violation terrorists and overdressing terrorists, next.

Killin' is too good for them.

> punish accordingly. After a few life sentences (no parole) have been handed 
> down I suspect the problem would fade significantly.

Yes! That's the spirit! Tape them to streetlights, and let crows pluck out
their eyes! Will make them realize. Make them movie sharer terrdurists ride 
the lightning!!!1

Eugen* Leitl <a href="">leitl</a>
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