[extropy-chat] Pet cloning company

Giu1i0 Pri5c0 pgptag at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 06:31:05 UTC 2005

The company Genetic Savings and Clone Inc.
(http://www.savingsandclone.com/) offers pet cloning services.
According to their website cat cloning is available now and dog
cloning will be available soon. The website is well done and the
science seems serious enough, at least the terminology is correct.
Current prices are of the order of 30k bucks per cloned pet.
They offer gene banking services as a first step: "Gene banking is
always the first step in the cloning process. PetBank is our
state-of-the-art gene banking facility, where we save the DNA from our
clients' pets until they're ready to clone them. After your pet's DNA
is saved in PetBank, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing you can
clone your pet when the time is right for you."
They have now launched a new advocacy website
(http://www.yespetcloning.org/) as a direct response to the
AAVS–sponsored site, NoPetCloning.org:
"The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS) wants you to believe
that pet cloning is harmful in many ways to animals, exacerbates the
pet overpopulation problem, and exploits grieving clients with false
promises. The truth is essentially the reverse: Genetic Savings &
Clone (GSC) provides a variety of benefits to animals, both domestic
and endangered; reduces the pet overpopulation problem; and provides a
valuable service to grateful consumers."
People love their pets, so it is reasonable to assume that Genetic
Savings & Clone will have many customers once they manage to lower
their prices. In time, this can help overcoming public fears of
genetic and cloning technologies.

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